Friday, September 3, 2010

W3C Compliance

What Every Web Site Owner Should Know


The W3C is the organization that develops standards for the web. In other words, the W3C are the people that determine the rules regarding HTML, CSS and whatever other language a webmaster might use. W3C stands for World Wide Web Consortium. It determines how browsers should behave and how they should interpret code.

Without these rules it would be pandemonium on the web. If there were no standards, websites would be written in a hodgepodge of different languages and nothing would be compatible from one browser to the next. Imagine for a moment that there were no traffic laws. You can imagine what trouble that would be. Furthermore, if you live anywhere near Los Angeles just drive around at rush hour you can see firsthand what happens when people do not obey the rules.

Despite the fact that the standards are so important not all browsers adhere to them. In fact, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is one of these so called rogue browsers. Microsoft has included some HTML tags that other browsers do not support. They also interpret some HTML tags a little differently than W3C compliant browsers. Because Internet explorer has such dominance amongst browsers they can get away with this.

Despite the fact that it’s nice to have extra functionality, it makes it very difficult to develop a website that is functional and displays properly in all browsers.

It is up to your webmaster to ensure that your website is W3C compliant. There are many tools that you can use to help you make sure that your site is compliant. You can visit for a list of my favorites.

Remember, it's not your job to fix any mistakes you may find. All you have to do is simply point them out to your webmaster. I it is extremely important to go through every single page of your website to check for various errors including; grammar and typos, broken links, images that display incorrectly in addition to any problems caused by viewing your web page in different browsers.

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