Friday, September 10, 2010

Meta Information

What Every Web Site Owner Should Know

META Information

Meta information is essentially information included within a file about that file. Confused? Well allow me to clarify...

Meta information (contained in meta tags in the case of web pages) is information about that particular web page that can be used by a search engine, browser or other such application to assist in processing that particular page.

Even more confused? Hmmm, I thought so. Okay, let me use an example. Let's say that we have a website such as which happens to be a website that I publish about remote control vehicles.

Still with me? Good.

Contained in the HTML code are various meta tags. These meta tags contain information that tells search engines that the page is about remote control vehicles. They also have the description that I want to display on the search engines in the rare case that somebody actually finds the site on one... Additionally, there is information that tells the search engine to follow the links on the page to find my other pages... More importantly the meta tags contain information about my keywords. These keywords let the search engines know what words and phrases are important on the website (in this case words like: radio control, rc, remote control, aircraft, motor, etc...). By pointing this out to the search engine, I can help make the search engines results more accurate. This benefits me, the search engine and the web surfer.

Making a little more sense?

You webmaster (or you, if you are doing it yourself) should include meta tags within your pages to maximize your search results. While they are not as important as they once were, they can still help you target your results and optimize your pages.

As usual, if you have any questions, post a comment below and I will try to get back to you quickly.

Good luck and happy designing.

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