What Every Web Site Owner Should KnowWeb Hosting Features Demystified When you are searching for a Web host and comparing the different features offered, there are some terms used to describe the different features offered. Understanding what these terms mean and what your needs will likely be, can save you a considerable sum of money later on. I realize that a lot of this stuff is about as exciting as watching paint peel, but you will be glad you did later. Most average sites don’t require more than one or two Gigabytes of Web space (This will undoubtedly change in time). Buy the least expensive plan that offers the features you need. If you find that you need more, than it is usually a simple matter to request an upgrade to a better plan. Websites that offer high quality video, audio, photos, graphics, or have excessive traffic will use more resources than an average site. Sites that accept credit cards will need SSL to provide secure payment transactions. Corporate sites may need a dedicated server. Business may want to use co-location etc... In order to launch a successful Website you will need to keep your start up and operating costs to a minimum. Future considerations such as marketing, maintenance, and redesign can be costly. Assuming the hosting services you choose are adequate for your needs, the less money you spend on hosting the better. I mention this because there are many hosts that will charge top dollar for a level of service you do not need. Don’t get cheap, unreliable service, mind you, just be away that you don’t need to overpay. The more money you can save on hosting, the more you will have for other aspects of your site. Some basic web hosting features you need to be concerned about:
When you are searching for a Web host and comparing the different features offered, there are some terms used to describe the different features offered. Understanding what these terms mean and what your needs will likely be, can save you a considerable sum of money later on. I realize that a lot of this stuff is about as exciting as watching paint peel, but you will be glad you did later. Most average sites don’t require more than one or two Gigabytes of Web space (This will undoubtedly change in time). Buy the least expensive plan that offers the features you need. If you find that you need more, than it is usually a simple matter to request an upgrade to a better plan. Websites that offer high quality video, audio, photos, graphics, or have excessive traffic will use more resources than an average site. Sites that accept credit cards will need SSL to provide secure payment transactions. Corporate sites may need a dedicated server. Business may want to use co-location etc... In order to launch a successful Website you will need to keep your start up and operating costs to a minimum. Future considerations such as marketing, maintenance, and redesign can be costly. Assuming the hosting services you choose are adequate for your needs, the less money you spend on hosting the better. I mention this because there are many hosts that will charge top dollar for a level of service you do not need. Don’t get cheap, unreliable service, mind you, just be away that you don’t need to overpay. The more money you can save on hosting, the more you will have for other aspects of your site. |
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Web Hosting Pt 02 Web Hosting Features Demystified
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